

Years Work experience in Steel Fabrication,Aluminium Fabrication,Carpentry and Interior Design

Let’s Build Something
Creative Together

Bandar Nasser Al-khaldi Industrial Factory was established in 2002 to offer Steel Fabrication,Aluminium Fabrication,Carpentry and Interior Design for both Domestic&Commercials sectors which includes Offices, Supermarkets, Restaurants, Warehouses, Villas & Apartments, Hospitals & Clinics, Universities & Schools, Retail Shops.

  • Invest in your simply neighborhood
  • Largest global industrial business community
  • Share your love for factory community

Why Choose us

Great Experience For Steel Fabrication,Aluminium Fabrication,Carpentry and Interior Design

Start a Projects
  • Efficiency

    By acquiring the right technology and tools, and refining procedural methods to cater to our clients’ particular needs.

  • Quality

    By employing highly qualified Engineers and consistently retraining them to attain perfection and customer satisfaction every time.

How we work

Work Process

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Design 01

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Planning 02

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Devolepment 03

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Our Clients

A true partnership is a two-way street — ideas and information flow openly and regularly, based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise — and our clients embrace this philosophy We pride ourselves on the relationships we have with some of the commercial,residential& industrial clients.